Free Two Day Shipping on Amazon – Interested?

Class started this week and the bookstore is out of your textbook?  All the used ones are gone and the new ones are boku bucks?  The professor wants an assignment completed by WHEN and you don’t have the book yet?  Breathe and read on…

During my (many) years paying tuition to institutions of higher education, I took advantage of a great way to save on textbooks – and practically anything else I could ever need – through a program that Amazon offers to college students specifically.  Amazon Student is available to anyone with a valid college email address (,,, etc.) to get Free Two Day Shipping on purchases.  This was immensely helpful in getting textbooks (and Christmas presents, and birthday gifts, and…) fast and cheap, as Amazon’s prices are incredibly competitive.


If you qualify (a student with an active .edu address), here’s a referral link to sign up!  In the interest of transparency, I get a kickback in Amazon credit if you sign up through my link.  Because even though tuition bills have stopped in our house for now, the learning never ends…


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